English, asked by shilpijaiswal143, 9 months ago

I want a very creative title for notice writing related to laughter


Answered by samir4934

Explanation: Hello ✌️

Being funny is hard, and it’s particularly hard in writing. Perhaps it’s because humor depends on shared context, or perhaps it’s because it trumps any other element of a story – how can you crack a joke without lessening the reader’s involvement in a story’s romance, horror or mystery?

For many authors, the answer is to pass that task onto their characters. Done well, funny characters will find a permanent home in your readers’ hearts. Done badly, they’ll draw attention away from the narrative and act like kryptonite to the emotional content of your story.

The bad news is that it’s incredibly easy to do funny characters badly. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be, and in this article I’ll be looking at how you can write genuinely funny characters who work whether they’re in a comedic world or just lightening up a more dramatic narrative.

Theories of humor

There are many different theories of humor, and learning about them will help any writer craft a funny character. The most useful to authors, though, is something known as incongruity-resolution theory.

This theory suggests that a humorous response is created in the moment we recognize the reality of a situation that we had previously perceived as strange or unfamiliar. In short, the moment we ‘get’ something that initially seemed odd. It’s the blueprint for traditional jokes – the setup creates an incongruity, a strange idea which creates confusion or expectation in the listener, and the punchline instantly resolves that confusion into understanding.

This is best explained through what is generally considered to be the archetypal ‘joke’. The setup ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ gets the listener thinking up all the possible puns, bits of wordplay or surreal reasoning that might explain that situation. The punchline ‘To get to the other side.’ reveals that the answer was surprisingly simple; the chicken’s presence was a misdirect, it was the simple reasoning behind crossing a road to which the listener should have devoted their attention.

This is the simplest form of incongruity-resolution theory, and it’s vital to note that it’s a subconscious response. The moment of resolution occurs incredibly quickly, and the rush from a state of confusion to a state of understanding is part of what powers the perception of humor. Most people, readers included, would be hard-pressed to explain why they find certain things funny.

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