I want all the questions of answers

water bodies include for example lakes ,rivers ,oceans ,aquifiers ,and ground water
water pollution results when contaminants introduced into natural environment
point sources have one identifiable cause of pollution such as strom drain ,waste water treatment plant ,or stream
1. turn off the tap while brushing
2.fix your leaks
3.turn off the tap while washing hands
4.shower bucket
5.reduce outdoor watering
6.get a low flush toilet
7 ans
when the outside temperature becomes less than 0 degrees the upper part of the sea or ocean freezes the lower part is not frozen and its liquid
so of the outside temperature is dropped the marine life go bit deeper area of the water and stay alive
water pollution
is the contamination of water bodies usually result of human activities water bodies include pond lake rivers seas oceans .water pollution results when contanminats are introduced to the natural environment
water conservation
refers to preservation control and development of water resources both surface and ground water and prevention of pollution
surface water
water that collects on the surface of ground
ground water
water held under ground in the soil or in the pores and cervices in rock
5. Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives (in) it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health.
There are many causes for water pollution but two general categories exist: direct and indirect contaminant sources. Direct sources include effluent outfalls from factories, refineries, waste treatment plants etc.. that emit fluids of varying quality directly into urban water supplies.
- Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
- Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load.
- Use a low flow shower head and faucet aerators.
- Fix leaks.
- Install a dual flush or low flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.
7. When the outside temperature becomes less than 0°C the upper part of the sea or oceans freezes, the lower part is not frozen and its liquid. ... So if the outside temperature is dropped, marine life go a bit deeper area of the water and stays alive.
8. (a) Water pollution is the state in which water bodies gets contaminated due to the mixing up of harmful pollutants in water bodies making it unfit for use. Whereas water conservation means to conserve water by minimising it's wastage in all means so that the future generations will be water sufficient.
(b) Water is generally classified into two groups: surface water and groundwater. In general: Groundwater is located underground in large aquifers and must be pumped out of the ground after drilling a deep well. Surface water is found in lakes, rivers and streams and is drawn into the public water supply by an intake.
Hope it helps you
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