English, asked by Abhikapuriya9887, 1 year ago

I want an essay on agriculture waste to wealth of 4000 words


Answered by mehul1045
hey dear, here is your answer

India is an agricultural based country. Farmers are the back bones of our nation. In early daysfarmers were using locally available natural materials like after harvest trashes, weeds, cow dungetc. as manure. Later on they started using chemical fertilizers in view of fast growth and goodyield. Though they got good results in early days, after 10-15 years of continuous use agriculturalland becomes barren, crops becomes less resistant to environmental conditions. To dispose theagriculture waste they started burning it and digest anaerobically in the land itself, which leadsto air pollution, release of obnoxious and green house gases. Use of chemicals as fertilizer is notonly expensive but also goes on accumulating in soil, crops, undergoes bio-magnification whichleads to health disorders. Chemical fertilizer is not feasible from economical, health,environmental point of view and for this Indian farmers are committing suicide, instead theycould use indigenous technology and improve agricultural land. In view of this a was studyconducted on agricultural waste management through vermicomposting. Representative sampleswere collected from a typical agricultural farm and allowed to decompose aerobically for about 22days and then transferred to vermipits. Chemical analysis of samples shows significant decreasein carbon content and good N,P,K in the final compost. Pre aerobic decomposition outside thevermipit cut off the leachate and odour problem in vermipit and also reduces the overall timerequired for composting. Present study gives bio-remedial recycling technology for agriculturalwaste which meets a part of agricultural input and also conserves the environment

Waste to wealth - Agriculture solid waste management study. India is an agricultural based country. Farmers are the back bones of our nation. ... To dispose the agriculture waste they started burning it and digest anaerobically in the land itself, which leads to air pollution, release of obnoxious and green house gases.                                        

Studies were conducted on the solid waste collectedfrom a typical agricultural farm consists ofcommercial crops, food crops, flowers, fruits,livestock etc. Physical characteristics of the wastewere found out to check the feasibility of waste forcomposting. About 800kg of solid waste and 200 kgof Cowdung were used for the study. Earthworms ofspecies Perionyx excavatus, Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisceniafetida were collected from Karnataka CompostDevelopment Corporation, Bangalore. As theworms were already acclimatized to waste feeding,they are directly used for vermicomposting. For thisstudy both young and adult worms were used.These species of earthworms are capable ofinhabiting waste containing variety of organicmaterials, they were tolerant to temperaturevariation and they grow in faster rate, reproducerapidly (Fredrickson, 1997). Earth worms cannot eatraw waste. To make waste soft and favourable forearthworms feeding, waste were pre digested inlonger heaps for about 20 days. Aerobic conditionenhances the net production of short chain fattyacids and lowers pH (Raghunath Reddy, 2002).Hence to maintain aerobic conditions turning wasdone manually twice per week and watered onalternate days. Temperature of 40°C– 60°C wasmaintained in this period (Nedgwa, 2001). Moisturecontent maintained throughout the process was 40-60% (Engracia Madejon, 2002).Phase I: Favorable conditions for the introductionof earthworms taken for the study were reportedthat temperature <30°C and pH 7.0-8.5. To maintainthese conditions in vermipits, it was watered for3days, mainly to reduce the temperature of thewaste. A spray of thin cow dung slurry was done tomake waste palatable to worms and also to increasemicrobial population. About 1 kg of earthwormswas introduced to the pit. Moist gunny bags wereplaced on the top surface to maintain moisture andshade at the top layer of the waste.

Table 1. Physical Characteristics of Agricultural waste (%by Wet Weight)Parameter % by Parameter % byweight weightDry leaves 9.8 Weeds 5.9Vegetable waste 15.6 Fresh grass 10.2Sugarcane trash 10.7 Eucalyptus 2.2Bananna waste 12.5 Coconut waste 4.3Flowers 3.6 Parthenium 1.1Ashes 3 Others 13.8

hope it helps you

harinadh63: bro u r really so talented...
harinadh63: Brother please dont say thanks again
harinadh63: no thankus between bro and sis
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