English, asked by HirenGosra, 1 year ago

I want an essay on " Green house Effect " in 250 words


Answered by vadlasreevani1979


the raise of temperature on earth due to the gradual increase of co2 gas in the atmosphere is known as greenhouse effect.


besides co2, three other gases account green house effect. they are oxides of nitrogen, chloro flourocarbons and methane.

Green house gases and their sources are given below

  • CO2: burning of fossil fuels,the destruction of forests
  • NOx: automobile exhausts, chemical fertilizers
  • CFCs: spray of bottle propellants, refrigerators
  • CH4: Decay of organic matter


  1. this will result in the melting of all glaciers and ice caps at arctic and Antarctic zones there by increasing the level of sea water.
  2. this will be cause hotter, drier summers
  3. this will affect agriculture sector badly due to fast evaporating of surface water


  1. large scale forestry scheme should be undertaken throughout the world
  2. organic forming methods using traditional seeds and bio fertilizers cod be adopted to mitigate global warming.
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