i want an intresting speech on the topic "The pen is more mightier than the sword" for 2 min .
The power of a pen is enormously larger than a sword. What a sharp edged sword can't achieve can be achieved by the help of a minute tip of a pen. What it implies is that the power of writing is much stronger than the power of hatred, war, and fighting. A war always ends in killings and has only a single directional ending - defeat, death, loss... There is no end of the tunnel when a war is there, and even if it comes, there is no light...
It was Edward Bulwer Eytton (1803 - 73) who first coined this proverb in 1839.
The proverb is…
Beneath the rule of men entirely great the pen is mightier than the sword.
Although today it is cliched!
Take for example the struggle for freedom against the British in India. All our freedom fighters were constantly inspiring the common man to fight against the British with their powerful writings even when they were in prison. Great leaders like Gandhi preached ahimsa and non-violence. He achieved his dream of free India through this means and his objective proving that violence is not the means to success. Poets like Subramania Bharathi adopted the medium of print to stir up the dormant spirit of the people. Through his writings in SWEDESAMITRAN, he inspired the masses to fight against the British. The result of those writings is right here for all of us to see - a free India. There are many political leaders who have ignited the people against the wrong stance of their governments.
Writing is priceless.
The pen is mightier than the sword
"The pen is mightier than the sword" is a proverb which celebrates the power of writing and expresses the fact that scholars are powerful with words than warriors with swords. The power of a pen is mightier than that of the sword, which means, the power of writing is stronger than the power of war, hatred, and conflict.
A sword is capable of conquering the physical but the pen can conquer the mind and the heart of people. The achievement of the pen is through enlightenment of minds and not by at force or bloodshed. The influence of a pen is long lasting but the power of the sword is short-lived. The achievement of great kings and emperors are long gone. But the writings of ancient philosophers, teachers and preachers continue live and speak to us even today.
A sword may seems strong and powerful and a pen weak and powerless. Yet, in the long run the power of the sword ends in destruction and ruins. Whereas the power of a pen yields positive values generation after generation. The sword of a king can rule only his kingdom but the pen of a writer rules the entire world. Written words are more powerful and more effective than weapons. While the power of sword ends with death, loss, and destruction, the power of a pen brings hope, inspiration, motivation and encouragement. Written words are alive, they have a life of their own. So they are able to transform the hearts of people and the society for the better.