i want answer soon fast
i will give you 100 points please
<title> Creating a Table </title>
<style type="text/css">
th{color:blue; text-align:center)
<body >
<tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Subject</th> <th> Marks</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Abhi</td> <td>Martin</td> <td>English</td></tr> <tr><td>Mathematics</td><td> 98</td> <td>82</td>
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a complete code package that allows the user to that contain both text and graphics.
Let us analyse the term HTML:
Hypertext is a piece of ordinary text that has a special feature of linking the other documents or webpages.
It is a language that uses special symbols called Tags to markup a text document that instructs the browser how to display the text.
To create HTML documents, you will use NotePad. Let us discuss how to create HTML document using Notepad.
- Open Notepad by clicking on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad.
- The Notepad window will appear.
My First Program
This is my first HTML program!!!!!
- Type the HTML code as shown up.
- Click on the File > Save option. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the target folder to save the file and mention the name in File name text box with an extension .html.
- Click on the Save button.
HTML code is made up of elements, tags, and attributes.
Tags are the building blocks of a web page. They contain elements that define how the information on a web page is Formatted or displayed.
Each tag in HTML follows specific rules and syntax. These tags are not case sensitive, for example <tag name and <TAG NAME> will have the same effect.
The HTML tags or commands are inserted before and after the text. Each tag, giving a specific instruction, begins with a less than sign'<'and ends with a greater than sign'>'
For example: The tag for defining a paragraph is <p>.
You should use <p> before the block of text that you want to designate as a paragraph. This is the opening tag or the on tag. At the end of the text block, you place </p>. you will type the following in the text editor:
SYNTAX: <p> some text</p>
An HTML element consists of an on tag, the content, and an off tag.
The HTML elements can be categorised as:
- Container Elements
- Empty Elements
❍Container Elements
The elements that include both on and off tags are called Container Elements.
E.g. <b> This makes the text bold </b>
❍Empty Elements
Empty elements contain only on tags. They do not have off tags. These elements do no enclose any data; instead they do some function on their own.
For example, <br> tag (It breaks the line and displays the text from the next line.)
An Attribute is the property that provides additional information about an HTML element Yt enhances the functionality of a tag.
always enclosed within quotes.
For example, the width attribute of the <hr> tag specifies the width of the horizontal line in pixels or percentage. By default, the width of the horizontal rule is 100%. So, if you write <hr width=50%>, the horizontal line will cover only 50% of the page. You can use more than one attribute inside a tag.
- Tags and attribute names are not case-sensitive, so <Head>, and <head> have the same meaning. However, using lower case is recommended
- Container tags should always be closed because an unclosed tag can lead to undesired results.
- Values given to the attributes should be enclosed within quotes, especially if the value contains any blank space.
- Attribute values can be case sensitive
- When the tags are embedded, ie; when you start a tag within another tag, you need to close the inner tag before closing the outer tag.
- Tag names should not contain spaces, For example, writing <body> as <body> is incorrect
- There should be no space between '<, name of the tag, and > in a tag. For example, writing <p> as <p> is incorrect.
Initial Velocity of Spaceship = 300km/s
Final Velocity of Spaceship = 600km/s
Time taken for Firing = 15s
Total time given = 1min → 60s
Hope it's helpful ☺️
❤️ ItzWanderousGirl ❤️