English, asked by Pjing159, 9 months ago

I want essay on healthy living; pollution Free india


Answered by studay07


                     healthy living  pollution free India

India is a large country containing 1,380,004,38 current population . such a huge number of peoples are living in India currently in 2020 . the main reason for pollution in india is a population of country .  its very important to individual to live healthy. we are facing  pandamic situation like covid . this is the best example of carelessness about health .

there are lots of type of pollution we facing air pollution , water pollution , noise pollution and many ,more .....

we arrange lots of plans to avoiding or get rid of this pollution but plans are work when we implant it. air pollution according to WHO air pollution is can consider as the  5th most common reason for death in India. in industrial area gases like CO, CO2 and other hydrocarbons which creating pollution are released in air. we can not forget the acid rain which is the effect of air pollution . our best and historical place Tajmahal is also getting damaged by acid rain. this adversely affects the health of person.

plastic is also a reason for pollution. government has banned plastic. kindly use paper or cloth -based bags. plastic is nondegradable it takes years to degrade and decomose. it not easily degrades.

another most important things for our health keep at least your surrounding clean and plastic- free. this will help you to prevent from diseases like typhoid and malaria. typhoid is the  2nd most common reason for death. keep the water clean. think once before throwing garbage in the water.

cares which should take for healthy living

  • use masks
  • use hand sanitisers
  • avoid  smoking
  • avid to spit publically
  • avoid use of plastic

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