I want essay on parents?? please answer it?
My whole family came to America only for me before I turned eighteen, so I wouldn't have to serve in the military for two years. My parents put a lot of effort and thinking to that, so I can get to America as soon as possible. My parents quit their jobs. My dad was working as Architect and my mom was working in the hospital. We had one month to sell the house and everything inside of it before we could come to America. We had a lot of things to sell, and it was hard to sell all of those things with such little time. The hardest thing was to sell the house because there weren't as many customers looking for a house at that time. We flew to Turkey and stayed at the motel for two days for doctor check up then from there we flew to America and we arrived in Minnesota in March 24, 1999. My parents put everything behind and did all of these things only for me.