i want know about the ideas used in hang man game in c++to improve my assignment
Hangman is a popular word guessing game where the player attempts to build a missing word by guessing one letter at a time. After a certain number of incorrect guesses, the game ends and the player loses. The game also ends if the player correctly identifies all the letters of the missing word.
Using the Code
The program consists of several classes. The class diagram is shown below:
The main thing from the program is holding the guessed letters in an array collection and manipulating against the randomly picked word. In addition, you need to count the missing letters. Let's see the code that verifies the user's guessed letter and builds the word.
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/// <summary>
/// Process the user guessed letter against the random picked word
/// </summary>
public void Play()
guessed_FoundLetters = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < PickedWord.WordLength; i++)
// Add underscore to the guessed and found string collection
guessed_FoundLetters.Add(" _ ");
for (int i = 0; i < PickedWord.WordLength; i++)
string letter = PickedWord.Content.Substring(i, 1);
if (GuessedLetters.Count > 0)
foreach (string guessedLetter in this.GuessedLetters)
if (letter.Equals(guessedLetter.Trim().ToUpper()))
// If the guessed letter is found from the picked
// word then replace underscore with the letter
guessed_FoundLetters.Insert(i, " " + letter + " ");
Console.WriteLine(buildString(guessed_FoundLetters, false));
The enumeration class is an indicator whether a user is winning or losing the game.