I want one essay in circus
rent kinds. Even a single minute was not dull throughout the programme.
Circus shows are held in tents specially erected for them. The arena is in the middle where the feats are performed. I was fascinated by the colorful clowns, who were -making faces at the audience. The young boys and girls were dressed in shiny, colorful clothes. They formed pyramids and performed other athletic feats. The notes of the band and the floodlights gave an out-of-this-world look to the atmosphere. Trapeze was the most difficult and dangerous feat. Lions, elephants, dogs and monkeys showed wonderful tricks and were loudly applauded by the audience.
Now, at the age of fifteen, I view a circus with a different attitude. I can understand the hard work done by so many members, their excellent physical and mental discipline, the ring-masters who train the wild animals risking their lives, the deadly motorcycle ride through fire, and the clowns who imitate the main feats, all deserve our appreciation. The world of circus is a different world altogether.
Unfortunately, we are not hearing much of circus these days. Cinema and television have destroyed many live shows of art and, today, their worst victim is the Circus.