i want some resources or ideas to make a project on sustainable development help plz if an yone can lin k or any other type of resources u can send
if u get it plz send it to my snap id shubh_bham singh
according to level of class 10
spammers will get a cute report..
Sustainable development is the management of renewable resources for the good of the entire human and natural community. Built into this concept is an awareness of the animal and plant life of the surrounding environment, as well as inorganic components such as water and the atmosphere.
Use of resources in a way and at a rate that does not lead to the long-term degradation of the environment, thereby maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations. (For example:
by reducing your consumption of over-packaged products;
by walking, bicycling or using public transit instead of your car;
by sweeping your driveway instead of using the hose, by not watering your lawn, or by not letting the tap.
run to avoid wasting water;
by choosing a more energy-efficient automobile.)