Science, asked by sameer7, 1 year ago

i want speech on science and technology

kvnmurty: long or short ?
sameer7: long


Answered by kvnmurty
The following speech is a long one.  Select the good points that you like to fit your time duration.

    Science is the systematic study of laws of nature, human being, animals, environment, plants, space etc. for their physical and chemical properties.  Science establishes the relationships (and laws) among various substances and physical quantities in the Universe. 

  Science is very relevant to all of us, as our careers in future depend on progress in sciences.  Sciences form the principles and idea for a technology and Engineering is the process to build new products using that technology.  All of us need products for living better.

     Technology tries to make an improved product, or service using a more suitable method or substance or law.  Technology is based on sciences and depends on engineering to come to people.  The aim is always to improve the quality and usability of the product and decrease the cost of the product or service.  A technology that is not yet feasible, necessary or economical at present, will perhaps be feasible and economical later in future.

   Technology is a standardized method of realizing a formula using a class of materials, and a particular technique related to precision or production. Suppose a particular technology is employed in manufacturing & engineering of electricity generation or distribution.  If a new semiconductor material better than Silicon is found, or, a more precise way of making a more complex electronic chip is known, then using that will be the new technology.  Coal based heating in electric power generation plant uses traditional technology.  Atomic power plants use a more advanced nuclear fission process based method to heat water.  So there is a leap in technology to generate a long term based safer, cheaper electric power.  The hazards posed by newer technology are problems that advanced technologies have to solve.

   Products are meant for people or the rich and creamy layer of the society.  People accept the product and its technology or reject it depending on convenience of use and cost.  Then technology is improved to next generation to bring new product to satisfy the people.

   The Science (study and research), Technology (newer and improved), Engineering and Society (use, accept/reject) cycle continues for ever in the world. 

   When people used to burn coal and wood for cooking in kitchen, there were many problems.  New technologies brought in LPG stoves, Biogas based heating, electric stoves, electric cookers, microwave ovens and solar cookers.  Each product utilizes a new technology (method, raw material, design) and gives better service at higher efficiency, convenience, at lower cost to the people, than the earlier technology.  This is what we mean by technology for people.

    Improvements in medical diagnosis and treatments have been made through many generations of technology.  A disease that used to take months to diagnose and cure are now diagnosed and cured within hours or days.

   Long ago the facility of communication with relations and friends was difficult, time consuming and depended on weather and on other people.  Then postal services, fixed telephone, telegrams, were available.  Later cordless and mobile phones were available.  Now a more interactive web based services and phones are combined in one gadget.

   There are some harmful technologies that cause pollution of air and water, cause global warming, produce waste that requires special place to dump it and careful handling.  Unfortunately sciences and technologies have produced chemical and biological weapons.  That is not right. Eco-friendly technologies are the need of the hour.

    In future science will help build better houses, gadgets, more convenient, safe lifestyle, simpler and safer transport for us all.  The people can live better, even though it may be costlier. Huge amounts are being invested on scientific researches.  More and more jobs and professions may evolve due to science.

   Technologists make use of scientific inventions and developments, and attempt to bring in continuous improvement in the lives of people in the world through continuous improvement in products and services.  I hope we all will be part of it and encourage positively eco-friendly sciences and technologies. Let us take oath for it.   Thank you all for listening to me attentively and silently.

kvnmurty: Click on thanks button above please
sameer7: thank you and sorry for my delay
Answered by Roshan4tech

Science and technology

Science and technology are the two most important part of our living life. Science and technology have made our life so easy and luxurious. Everything which we see around us is a part of science. Gadgets, clocks, light bulbs, Mobiles, computers, Tables, Chairs, Paper, Pen and many infinity things are part of technology and science.

This all things and objects are all gift of science. By using this all things, we are today living a luxurious life. The world without science and with science... - Best example for this is ancient period of world and today's world. In the periods of ancient, there were no science and no technologies and hence, there were no technological advances and boring life in that period. Today, in this age of science and technology, we are happy with the gift given by science.

Role of science and technology in human life/advantages:

Science and technology are always getting developed day by day and due to this the world is becoming advanced and advanced so far. Science plays very important role in the life of humans. Not only humans but also all other living creatures are living in this technological world.

When we wake up in the morning by Alarm clock to when we go to bed and turn of lights. Our every activity have science.  A life without science and technology can't be even imagined by today's person. Every gadget which we use is a gift of science.

Benefits of Science and technology:

Science is not just important for all our daily activities of our home. Science and technology are very useful for every factor. Today, Medical science have treatment for every disease and due to which, Humans are diseases free ;  Computers ! Computers have made our life so easy and we can use them to store our information and data.

Transportation is also a important invention by science. With the help of Airplanes, today we can travel all over the world ; Internet.... Today, we can get know about anything, any person, any place in a bit of second through internet.

Mobile communication is also a very great gift by science. With the help of mobiles and phones, today we can contact with any person in this world. Today, every person in this world have it's own digital identity ; Morning newspapers ! This is also a gift of science only. We can get know about the all activities and events happened last day/month through a piece of paper.

Science and technology had also helped humans to look further from our planet earth. With the help of science and technology, today are trying to do as possible as space research.

And, Food and cropping is also a very huge discovery by man. Because of Agriculture and cropping, today we can eat good food today. Otherwise, we will have to eat all that fruits and meats of animals. Talking about the Benefits of science and technology, it will take a year to complete the all benefits of science and technology.

Progress in science and technology:

Everyday, science and technology are upgraded. Millions of scientists work together to explore the every matter in this universe. Lots of researches and experiments are conducted by scientists daily to make life easy as possible. Millions of new discoveries and inventions are done to bring out changes in science.

Science is changing very rapidly and it's very much hard to say about the future of the world. Humans are doing various researches in scientific fields to bring out advances in the next generation of humans.

Disadvantages of science:

As there are some weak points about everything, science too have some it's disadvantages. As science had made our life easier... But, what about the Nature and Environment ?

  • Plastic: This is one of the most dangerous invention of mankind. After the invention of plastic, everyone started using the plastic and today we can see the results. Because of plastic use, this world is getting affected day by day.

  • Mobile phones and internet: Internet and mobile phones have made our life much easier, but due to excessive use of mobile phones we may have diseases like Brain tumor, Neck and back problems, eyes problems and due to improper use of internet, there are chances to spread about the uncensored content, drugs selling and many illegal activities.

  • Defensive bomb: Bomb had been created by humans for their own protection. But today, we are in fear with it. And, it can do anything that can harmful to mankind.

Branches of science:

- Physical science (Study about the physical quantities)

- Earth science (Study related to different factors of earth.

- Chemical science (Study related to different chemical reactions in nature).

- Biology (Study of life and biological processes in living beings)

- Astronomy (Study relates to stars, galaxies of space and universe)

Science can be also defined as "A branch of knowledge for the study of various facts and truths and arranging them systematically is called as science".

Originally answered:

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