English, asked by rnkv2000, 11 months ago

I want the summary of "The Philosophy Of Hat"


Answered by yajukatatia
hope it will help u please mark as brainiest


' No doubt a great many women sin

cerely want votes, but if we mistake

not, the average woman would not give

an expensive hat for all the votes in

the world. And, if the truth must be!

told, man very. -seldom loves a woman'

for her learning, -or even her wit. Tel

demands beauty, and likes to see his

wife or his sweetheart dress stylishly.

He is a thousand; times more impressed

bywhat a woman has on ter head than- j

what she has in it. This is the only

possibly explanation of the fact that

he tamely submits to paying the bills

of tte modern dressmaker and the i

modern milliner. M. Provost, already j

quoted, thus gives his verdict on the

large hat: —

1. An- expensive hat is not necessarily


2. There are able women who manage

to make charming and becoming '

hats which are not at all expen- ?

- sive; j

? 3. Modern hats, like modern dresses,

. have become the exterior sign of

social rank and an indication of the

degree of fortune, nothing else;

4. Therefore the one great care of

those who rule fashion is not to

create pretty or becoming hats or

gowns, but expensive ones.

M. Prevost .writes on the hat as seri-i

ously;as if he were discussing the

Eastern question, - 'or the yellow agony,

or the origin of .life. And perhaps toe1

is right. The question is bigger than

many people suppose. Indeed, it may

be said that it is one of the weightiest

of modern problems. The modern hat

has assumed such -dimensions, both in

size and cost, that it threatens to crush

man to. the dust We have no hesita

tion in saying that a crusade against

it should be: at once inaugurated. It

is altogether too much for woman and

man alike. We insist — and we are

sure every man, at least, ?every 'married

man, will support our statement— that

reasonably-priced hats, even cheap

hats, can be exceedingly becoming. ' In

any case, what is the use of invention,

civilisation, and progress if all their ,

resulting benefits are to be swallowed;

up in a woman's hat?

rnkv2000: Thanks
yajukatatia: please mark as brainiest
rnkv2000: Okay
rnkv2000: But how to mark you as brainiest?
yajukatatia: do to ur Profile and go in question when 2 person will answer ur questions than u can mark it as brainiest
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