I want these answers urgently

1) javascript is client side scripting language... we can use javascript to validate form,
animate objects, and attach events on objects like click, mouseeover etc...
2) there are three different ways of addding javascript on webpage
a) inline script
example: <button onclick="alert('Hello, my name is Ajay.')">click me</button>
b) in script tag
alert('Hello, my name is Ajay.');
c) in external file
just write anything you wabt in js file and attach it in yout html file like below
<script src="main.js"></script>
3) YES javascript is case sensetive
4) we can add comment in two ways
a) for singlie line comment use //
for example: // this is an example of comment
b) for singlie line comment use /**/
for example:
this is
and example
of multiline comment
5) MCQ
i) A) 2names
ii) A) <script>
iii) C) <script src="abc.js"></script>
iv) B) a scripting language pre compiled in the browser
a) will opuput following text
Student's data
"My IT world "
b) will ask you to enter first number (suppose you entered 5);
again will ask you to enter second number (suppose you entered 10);
then it will show an alert showing total of those number (15)