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2 As we know, resistance can be measure using the following formula…

When we bend the 10 ohm resistance wire into a circle, the length of each of the branches in parallel is half of that of the original wire. So, using the above formula, we get resistance of each branch to be 5 ohms.

Now since the 2 branches are in parallel, the effective resistance across diametrically opposite ends AB can be calculated using the following formula…

1/5 + 1/5
5/2 =2.5 ohms
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Deepak answered 2 year(s) ago
6. Two wires A and B are of equal length, different cross – sectional areas and made of the same metal
Two wires A and B are of equal length, different cross – sectional areas and made of the same metal (A)Name the property which is same for both the wires (B) Name the property which is different for both the wires (C)if the resistance of the wire A is 4 times the resistance of wire B , Calculate the ratio of the radii of the wires.
Class-X Physics
Asked by R murali
Jun 6
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Amarnathreddy , SubjectMatterExpert
Member since Jul 09 2013
Two wires A and B are of equal length, different cross – sectional areas and made of the same metal (A) Name the property which is same for both the wires
Answer: As the resistivity is independent of cross – sectional areas resistivity is same for both the wires
(B) Name the property which is different for both the wires
Answer: As the resistance of the material depends on both the length and cross sectional area of the wire resistance changes.
(C) If the resistance of the wire A is 4 times the resistance of wire B, Calculate the ratio of the radii of the wires.
As the resistance is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the conductor,
Ratio of the radii of the wires is RB : RA = 2:1

When we bend the 10 ohm resistance wire into a circle, the length of each of the branches in parallel is half of that of the original wire. So, using the above formula, we get resistance of each branch to be 5 ohms.

Now since the 2 branches are in parallel, the effective resistance across diametrically opposite ends AB can be calculated using the following formula…

1/5 + 1/5
5/2 =2.5 ohms
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K-12 WikiNewsKnowledge WorldExam CornerQ & A ForumExperts Panel
Academic Questions and Answers Forum, 93000+ Questions asked
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Deepak answered 2 year(s) ago
6. Two wires A and B are of equal length, different cross – sectional areas and made of the same metal
Two wires A and B are of equal length, different cross – sectional areas and made of the same metal (A)Name the property which is same for both the wires (B) Name the property which is different for both the wires (C)if the resistance of the wire A is 4 times the resistance of wire B , Calculate the ratio of the radii of the wires.
Class-X Physics
Asked by R murali
Jun 6
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Amarnathreddy , SubjectMatterExpert
Member since Jul 09 2013
Two wires A and B are of equal length, different cross – sectional areas and made of the same metal (A) Name the property which is same for both the wires
Answer: As the resistivity is independent of cross – sectional areas resistivity is same for both the wires
(B) Name the property which is different for both the wires
Answer: As the resistance of the material depends on both the length and cross sectional area of the wire resistance changes.
(C) If the resistance of the wire A is 4 times the resistance of wire B, Calculate the ratio of the radii of the wires.
As the resistance is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the conductor,
Ratio of the radii of the wires is RB : RA = 2:1
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