Sociology, asked by mousumikoelsinha, 11 months ago

I want to publish an article in the school magazine about the topic Karate- a mode of self defence


Answered by Anonymous


                                       A mode of self defence

The obvious benefit from learning karate is the improvement of physical health. The student learns to exercise regularly several times a week, which is one of the most useful lifetime habits. This results in balancing blood pressure and circulation, lowering the cholesterol level, and reducing the number of visits to the doctor and all medical expenses. Moreover the student gets flexible muscles and joints, which increases the chances for surviving car accidents with fewer injuries when compared to a person who does not train karate.

Building self-esteem and confidence is based on the fact that the students sets a goal, puts his mind on it, does whatever it takes, achieves the goal and at the end gets promoted to the next belt. In a nutshell that is the formula for success in life. The student sets a goal to become a black belt. A journey of thousand miles can be walked through step by step.The sensei splits the long-term goal into number of short-term goals – the color belts. Once the goal is set, the mind calls for behavioral changes – it shifts the attention, initiates action, and applies persistently effort in organized and disciplined manner. Progress in karate is measured with the belt ranking system. After each belt test the student receives feedback from the examiners – he learns about his strong and his week points, and receives carefully selected directions for further growth as a martial artist. Each belt is an award for a completed short-term goal that frees the mind and opens the horizon for the completion of the next goal. That is the moment when the student realizes that he managed to succeed despite the difficult odds and almost overwhelming circumstances, which in turn is the psychological food for growing confidence and self-esteem.

Answered by CUTESTAR11

Hey dear ‼️


Building self-esteem and confidence is based on the fact that the students sets a goal, puts his mind on it, does whatever it takes, achieves the goal and at the end gets promoted to the next belt. In a nutshell that is the formula for success in life. The student sets a goal to become a black belt. A journey of thousand miles can be walked through step by step.The sensei splits the long-term goal into number of short-term goals – the color belts. Once the goal is set, the mind calls for behavioral changes – it shifts the attention, initiates action, and applies persistently effort in organized and disciplined manner. Progress in karate is measured with the belt ranking system. After each belt test the student receives feedback from the examiners – he learns about his strong and his week points, and receives carefully selected directions for further growth as a martial artist. Each belt is an award for a completed short-term goal that frees the mind and opens the horizon for the completion of the next goal. That is the moment when the student realizes that he managed to succeed despite the difficult odds and almost overwhelming circumstances, which in turn is the psychological food for growing confidence and self-esteem. That is the moment when the student grows more confident with his self-defense skills, when his self-esteem elevates to the awareness that:

Goals give purpose and direction in life,

Achievement of goals is the measure for success in life,

Almost any goal can be achieved with a good plan, strong discipline and proper actions,

Constructive feedback or a well-deserved award is the mechanism that brings a feeling of satisfaction and reinforces the patterns that bring success.

keep loving...❤️❤️❤️❤️✌️

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