English, asked by athulmjnair, 1 year ago

i want to submit a report on swatch bharath campaign.


Answered by kvnmurty
A Report on Swach Bharat - Clean India campaign - after 5 weeks of starting.

    It is initiated to make true the dream of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji gave importance cleanliness and hygiene. He wished that Indians learn hygiene and practice it.  It is already more than a month old.  Every Sunday many people and celebrities are spending some time to clear the towns and cities in their neighbourhoods.

    Swachch Bhaarat is a program and campaign initiated by the Indian Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi on 2nd October, 2014.  Mr. Modi himself had cleaned a road in Delhi to initiate the campaign in style.  It is expected to continue for 5 years.  Modi conveys its importance in many speeches.

   Swachch Bharat mission has two components. The urban component will be for about 4,000 towns for 5 years. Expected cost is Rs 62,000 crore. The center will assist with about Rs 15,000 crore.  This part of the mission will work with the Ministry of urban development.

     The Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan (NBA) is restructured into Swachch Bharat mission for the rural areas. The mission will work with the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.   These two components will provide individual household toilets, community and public toilets.  They will manage the municipal solid waste too.  The mission covers 1 crore households and a few lakhs of toilets. 

   We will commit to "we don't pollute/litter, nor we will allow anyone to litter".   It is surprisingly as simple as 2 hours a week for each person. So it is affordable.  Most of the country is concurrently engaged on each Sunday for this task.

      For making India clean, garbage bins (waste boxes) are being donated for putting them at every street corner.  Plans are initiated to build a number of toilets in villages.  Municipal and panchayats are taking it very seriously.

 Schools too are taking part in this.  Government of India issued orders to various Boards of education. Then the boards have advised to schools through district level administration.
     The TV, newspapers and radio are already spreading it.  Many celebrities including film stars have been invited by the government to take part in the campaign and spread the awareness.

    Children will become habituated to working with clean environment,  They are also educated regarding the various aspects of health, and impacts of dirt and garbage on health.  Many competitions on the program, like painting, debate, slogan writing, and essay writing are being conducted.  So awareness is growing.

    Some voluntary organisations or some private persons interested in taking the responsibility of clearing the garbage must be given a chance. There are some practical projects to generate bio-gas, electricity, or recycling materials from the waste.
    Every Sunday we have the media showing a lot of video clips and news on the subject of swachch Bharat. The target for the completion of mission is the year 2019.  Many more celebrities are being invited by he prime minister for the publicity of this program.

     The union cabinet also approved setting up of a Clean Ganga Fund. The fund will accept voluntary donations from citizens, NRIs and people of Indian origin.  The fund will be used towards conservation of cleanliness, and sanctity of the river Ganga.  A mission called Namami Gange is being set up with an initial outlay of Rs 2,000 crores.

       As time progresses, the enthusiasm is growing.  Lakhs of government employees and representatives of people have become part of the implementation.

kvnmurty: click on thank you link pls
athulmjnair: ur welcom....
kvnmurty: i am welcome for what?
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