English, asked by subramanihemalatha2, 1 day ago

I was asked to talk to you about how to win in business. I think it’s a good

subject for you to think about because I believe business in America is in a

crisis situation today. All you have to do is read the paper, and every month

see our trade deficit, and it’s just a very depressing situation.

Speaking about how to win in business, there’s a lot of obvious things I could

talk about. You first have to find a need. You’ve got to fill the need for the

consumer out there. You’ve got to have a market. You got to have somebody to

sell your product or your service to. If you really want to get big and win big,

you’ve got to have a uniqueness, there’s got to be something a little bit

different from you than all the competition out there. But by far the most

important thing you’ve got to have to win n business in the United States

today, is a very unique kind of mental toughness.

I believe the difference in winning and losing in the free enterprise system, is

so small it’s almost too scary to talk about. You can get 99% of the things

right in business, and yet if you don’t possess what I call that winning edge,

that mental toughness, folks it’s impossible to win.

I believe the thinking in corporate America has been bungled up over these

last 20-25 years. And I believe this goofed up kind of thinking started in our

big liberal universities today. I believe a college degree in business from most

universities today, is not worth the paper it’s written on.

I just had a son graduate from the University of Georgia a few months ago.

The reason I think that, is because most of these professors and most of these

universities today, haven’t got enough common sense to get in out of the rain.

They don’t have any idea what it takes to win out there in the real world.

They deal in a bunch of theory. These people have tried to fill up corporate

America with this kind of thinking.

These are the special people, if you’re born rich, if you’re born on the right

side of the track, they rule you the privileged class in America. If you’re born

poor from an average ordinary background like I came from, they say you’re

supposed to give up all your big dreams and all your big ambitions and all

your big hope. If you have a high 1Q. they rule you brilliant. If you have an

average 10, like me, they say you ought to drive a truck or be a janitor. The

things that are unique to winning in business in America today, does not depend on factors outside you or on artificial things like 1Q. college board

scores, college degrees, and stuff like that.

The key to winning in the United States, is what’s inside a person. It’s your

integrity. It’s your people abilities. It’s your character. I believe in developing

this winning edge. You’ve got to get excited. Folks, I don’t believe anybody

will ever tell you anything more important than this in winning. 90 plus

percent of winning in anything you try to do, you’ve got to be excited. People

in America won’t follow or believe in a negative, dull, disillusioned,

frustrated, cry baby. People want people that are positive and excited and

enthusiastic and tough.

There is this guy that said, ‘Almost everybody in America can stay excited for

2 or 3 months. A few people can stay excited for 2 or 3 years, but a winner will

stay excited for 30 years or however long it takes to win.” I thought about this

10 million times when I wanted to quit. This is the greatest lesson one needs

to learn to win.

(i) What is the profession of the speaker?

(ii) Which country does he belong to?

(iii) What is the key lesson that one should remember to become a winner?

(iv) What is the speaker’s opinion about 1Q and winning in business?

(v) How does the speaker view University education?​


Answered by anshtomar2728


this is mind game but I am sure give answer just give me 2 day

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