I was doing CS50x Finance buy implementation and reached a point where I got this error continuously. If anyone could tell where I am wrong.
I have also attached the error which I get. Any help would be appreciated
orm, I always get returned to the error page stating "Must Provide Username" and I am not sure how it is getting to that point instead of one of my two error conditions.
Here is my buy function so far:
@app.route("/buy", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def buy():
"""Buy shares of stock"""
# requested_quote = stock
if request.method == "POST":
if not request.form.get("symbol"):
return apology("must provide symbol", 403)
if not request.form.get("amount") or request.form.get("amount") < 1:
return apology("Please enter amount 1 or greater", 403)
stock = request.form.get("symbol")
amount = request.form.get("amount")
requested_quote = lookup(request.form.get("quote"))
cash = db.execute("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = :id", session["user_id"])
if requested_quote == None:
return apology ("Invalid Symbol", 400)
if (requested_quote["price"] * amount) > cash:
return apology("Not enough funds", 400)
db.execute("INSERT INTO purchases (id, symbol, amount, share_price) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
(session["user_id"], stock, amount, requested_quote["price"]))
return render_template("buy.html"