(i) What lesson do we get from the life of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) about dignity of work?
Prophet (S.A.W) about
Prophet (S.A.W) about
What lessons can we draw from the Madinah and Makka life of the Holy Prophet?
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4 Answers

Omar Tikrity
, NLP Practitioner Neurolinguistic Programming & Business Coaching
Updated 3 years ago
There are thousands of lessons we can take from his life in both cities. Sometimes we forget that Mohammed (PBUH) has 1.8 billion followers, without the power of social media or the internet.
We can learn 5 important life (and business) lessons.
The Prophet (SAW) always had a plan & a life mission. His greater purpose was to worship Allah and his life mission was to spread the word of Allah. As Muslims, we know our purpose is to worship Allah. But do we have a clear and defined mission for being on this earth? Do we want to build more schools? Educate people? What value can you bring to the world?
To change people, he first worked on the hearts and then the minds before setting out any rules. When people believe in something and instil it as a value it, then it’s easier for them to do something that is being asked of them.
The first few years… especially in Mecca the Prophet (SAW) worked on the hearts of people. And that influenced their mindset in a positive way. Educating them that there is a Higher Being, looking over them and taking care of everything. That He is the One that gave them everything. To love and fear Him in balance. That this life is temporary and there’s a better life waiting for them.
The Prophet (SAW) was super positive even at the lowest point. Like in the battle of the trench when they were surrounded by an army and what seemed like no way out. He had 100% faith his people be victorious. And even told his companions that they would conquer Persia and Rome. Which to some seemed impossible at the time.
We learn that even at the lowest times, we should remain positive as long as we believe & trust 100% and make our best efforts. Allah will always give us a way out. When we start to doubt, know that this is from the devil. So, seek refuge from his whispers that make us negative.
The Prophet (SAW) always put people first. He looked after other’s needs and inspired others to do the same. This built a strong bond in the community where envy and jealousy were at a minimum. There was no shortage of anything by the time Omar (RA) was the calipha.
When we put people first and share, the reward comes back more than 10-fold to the individual and community. So learn to give value, share and help others.
Finally, it was clear the Prophet (SAW) always strived to please Allah (SWT) first and not other people. The people in Mecca tried to tarnish his reputation calling him a liar, soothsayer and so on. But his main concern, was if Allah (SWT) was happy with him then he was content (because Allah (SWT) ordains us to treat others well). Years later, the same people became his followers and fought for him.
Don’t live to please others. Live to please Allah and even though at times people will be against you. Eventually, you’ll overcome them with the truth, kindness and mercy that you show them. And if they don’t then as long as you please Allah… nothing else matters. We can never please everyone. But we can always please Allah.
Why I selected these five, is that as a qualified life and business coach. I’ve found these timeless lessons can help you succeed and achieve your goals in life and business in this day and age. And it can also help overcome mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and so on. Which seems to be on the rise according to the NHS (UK).