Science, asked by chhavidelhi42, 6 months ago

i.Which of the following component of blood has haemoglobin in it?

(a) Red blood cells

(b) White blood cells

(c) Platelets

(d) All of them

ii. Which of the following is dangerous haemoglobin level?


(b) 12

(c) 10

(d) 6

iii. Which of the following gases is carried by haemoglobin in our body?


(b) O3

(c) N2


iv. A graph below represents the energy output of individual A and

individual B with time. Which out of these individuals will be having

high count of haemoglobin in his/her blood?

a) Haemoglobin count in A > Haemoglobin count in B

b) Haemoglobin count in B > Haemoglobin count in A
c) Haemoglobin count in A = Haemoglobin count in B

d) Energy output has no relation with Haemoglobin count

please answer​



Answered by boogeyman11


a) red blood cells


c) O2

d) there is no graph

Answered by PotionOHappiness


Ai. A) Red blood cell

Aii. A) 13

Aiii A) O2

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