"I wish you all success I am sorry I shall not come please forgive me for everything." Write a story which leads up to the sending of a letter in which these words appear.Please write between 300 to 350 words
Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- Dhiraj was a bright young man.
- He was a very good singer and had won many accolades at school level in singing competitions.
- He was an orphan and had been brought up by his uncle and aunt.
- The aunt was a gentle and kind lady, but his uncle was a grumpy and selfish man.
- As soon as he finished his schooling, his uncle asked him to start working and earn his own living.
- he started taking all the money Dhiraj earned working as a salesman.
- Dhiraj had aspirations to pursue singing, but his dreams were dashed as his uncle forbade his attending any singing classes!
- Dhiraj soon moved out from his uncle's house as he was tired of his sarcastic remarks and ill-treatment.
- Time went by, but Dhiraj kept practising his art on his own: singing on his rounds as a salesman, in the shower, in the public garden in the evenings.
- On one of his rounds while selling goods, a client overheard Dhiraj singing and was surprised to hear such a melodious voice.
- He happened to be a music director and gave Dhiraj his first break.
- Soon, Dhiraj became a successful background singer; he called his uncle and aunt to attend one of the award functions where he was being felicitated.
- His aunt gladly came, but his uncle sent him a letter: "I wish you all success . I am sorry , I shall not come , Please forgive me for everything ."
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