i woke up in the middle of the night and saw a huge caterpillar moving in my garden complete the story in 250 words
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The day I went to my friends house for a party I became very sleepy at night and slept. The day I woke, the first thing orfthe day is was a huge caterpillar roaming in my garden. My mother told to plant a tulsi in the garden so there will be no bad things in home, so I did last year. It had grown to length of 1 metre but the caterpillar had eaten almost the 1/4th of the plant. luckily I had grew another tulsi beside that plant, so the other plant was not eaten yet. I suddenly ran to the garden and removed the caterpillar and kept it the open tree in the forest which is behind my home and fenced the area between my home and the forest so that no more any animals/insects will enter my garden or home. I told this to my parents also. This experience was half threatening and half funny.
Thank you for reading my story!
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