i3 . Line segment joining the did polar of any side with tile opposite veitex is (a) altitude (b) tnedian c) perpendicular bisector (d) angle bisecto i4. length ofpelpendiculai drawn flom the opposite vetter to any side is (a) altiRide (b) median c) perpendicular bisector (d) angle bisecto IS. The point of intersection of all the altitudes of a triangle is (a) orthacentre (b) hicentre c) chcumcentre (d) cent:oid n. Tbe posit of hitersection of tbe perpendicular bi sector of all sides of a triangle i: (a) oiThocentre (b) incentre c) ciicuincentre (d) centioid i7:. In a dangle. the angle opposite to the longest side is: (a) greater tllan 60o (b) nleastue of 50' (c) greater Than 90' (d) none of these 18 . T e posit of hitasection of all the nieclians of a dangle is (a) oiThocentre (b) incentre c) chcumcenrre (d) cenrroid 19. a dangle ABC, if 2ZA : 3ZB : 6ZC, then tile nieasiue of ZA is (a) 30' ' (b) 75o c) 90' (d) 6@ 20. a dangle ABC, if 2.ZA ; 3ZB ; 6ZC, then the nieastlre of ZB is (a) 30' (b) 75o c) 90' (d) 6W zl. In a thai::le ABC, if 2ZA : 3ZB : 6ZC, then the nieasiue of ZC is (a) 30' (b) 75' c) 90' (d) 60' 22 . a trian:le ABC, if.ZA ZB : 33o and ZB ZC ; 1 8a, then tile nieaslue of ZA c) 37' (d) 60' (a) 88o ' (b) 55' 23.InaniangleABC,ifZA ZB:33oandZB ZC;18o,thentliemeastueofZB c) 37' (d) 6@ (a) 88o (b) 55' 24 . In a Irian:Je ABC, if ZA ZB 33o and ZB - ZC ; 1 8o, then the meastne of ZC (d) 60' (a) 88' (b) 55' c) 37' zs. In a titan:Je ABC, if ZA + ZB ; 65' and ZB + ZC : 140'. Then the nieaslue of Z. (a) 40o (b) 25o c) 115' (d) 60' ze . ]n a than:Je ABC, if ZA + ZB ; 65o and ZB + ZC - 1400, t]ten the nieaslue of Z] (a) 40o (b) 25' (d) 6@ c) 1150 27. a gian:le ABC, if.ZA + ZB ; 65a and ZB + ZC ; 1400, then the nieaslue of Zi (a) 40' (b) 25' c) 115' (d) 60' za. AABC is triangle in which ZA 90o and AB AC. Tile values of ZB and ZD will be (a) ZB ; ZC ; 60' @)ZB;ZC:3d (cl /B : /(' : 4So [d) /B : /(' : 50o
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