Geography, asked by gulli9, 1 year ago

ICSE class 9th geography syllabus


Answered by Mamtaminhas
There is one paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of 20 marks. The question paper consists of Part I and Part II.

Part I (compulsory) consists of two questions. Question 1 consists of short answer questions from the entire syllabus and Question 2 consists of a question based on Map. You are expected to answer all questions.

Part II. You are required to choose any five questions.

Principles of Geography

1. Our World

(i) Earth as a planet – shape, size and its uniqueness in the solar system. Shape of the earth – proofs from the earliest days till today. Size of the earth in proportion to the other planets and the unique position of the earth. Measurements of the earth. Earth as the home of humankind and the conditions that exist here.

(ii) Geographic grid - Latitudes and longitudes; locating places on the Earth; longitude and time; local and standard time; Great Circle routes and International dateline. (a) Concept of latitudes: main latitudes, the location with degrees, parallels of latitude and their uses. (b) Concept of longitudes - Prime Meridian, time(local, standard and time zones, GMT and International Date Line (IDL). Eastern and Western hemisphere. (c) Using latitudes and longitudes to find locations. Uses of the Great Circle.

(iii) Rotation of the earth and the alternation of day and night; Revolution of the earth and seasonal changes; Inclination of the earth's axis and its significance. Movements of the earth and their effects: (a) Rotation – direction, speed, occurrence of day and night, effect of the inclination of the axis on the duration of day and night in summer and winter in both hemispheres. (b) Revolution of the earth, and its effects seasons in low and high latitudes. Equinoxes and solstices.

2. Structure of the Earth and Internal Processes

(i) Earth’s Structure Core, mantle, crust - their structure i.e. internal composition, thickness, pressure, temperature, density. Forces originating in the interior of the earth – movements due to temperature and pressure in the interior of the earth.

(ii) Landforms of the earth – mountains, plateaus and plains. Types of mountains, types of plateaus, types of plains - structural, erosional, depositional. Examples from the world and India. World map showing the distribution of these features as listed.

(iii) Rocks - difference between minerals and rocks, types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, their characteristics and formation; rock cycle. Self-explanatory.

(iv) Volcanoes - causes and distribution Types of Volcanoes – central and fissure, shield volcanoes, central type (cone) formation and structure. Intrusive (dykes, sill, batholiths) and extrusive (dome, basic lava shield). Phenomena like hot springs, geysers. Important volcanic zones of the world.

(v) Earthquakes – causes, effects and their distribution. Causes, measurement, effects: destructive (e.g. Tsunamis) and constructive. Map of earthquake zones of the world.

(vi) Folding and faulting – causes, effects and associated landforms Vertical and horizontal movements and associated features of folding and faulting; synclines and anticlines, fold mountain, rift valley and horsts (block mountains), diagrams of the mountain formations.

3. Weathering

Meaning and effects of weathering,

4. Hydro sphere.

5. Atmosphere

6. Pollution

7. Natural regions

8. Map Work

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