English, asked by allidoggy2019, 5 hours ago

ideal student paragraph 1000 words


Answered by bhunikasharma


First of all, an ideal student must have high ambition. Such a student sets a high goal for himself in life. Furthermore, such a student performs well in his academics. This is due to the passion and desire in him to learn. Moreover, such a student also takes part in many extra-curricular activities.

An ideal student is attentive by nature. He clearly understands the lessons taught by his teachers and adults. Furthermore, he is not neglectful of these lessons at the cost of simple pleasures of life.

Another important characteristic of an ideal student is discipline and obedience. A student certainly obeys his parents, teachers, and elders. Furthermore, such a student shows discipline in the day to day activities of life.

An ideal student maintains discipline in all spheres of life, whether in family, educational institution, or society. Consequently, such an individual follows all the social and moral laws. Also, such a student does not get carried away and always exercises self-control.

The ideal student respects the value of time. He shows the utmost punctuality of time. Furthermore, he is never late for his classes or appointments. Most noteworthy, he always does the right thing at the right time.

To be an ideal student, one must certainly be physically and mentally fit. An ideal student regularly exercises. Furthermore, he indulges in playing sport on a regular basis. Moreover, an ideal student is an avid reader of books of knowledge. Therefore, he constantly tries to increase his knowledge.

An ideal student has a scientific outlook on life. Moreover, an ideal student never accepts things at their face value. Such a student always analyses the details. Most noteworthy, such a student has a curious mind and asks questions. He accepts something as truth only when proper evidence for it is available.

In conclusion, being an ideal student is an extremely important requirement for everyone. If one becomes an ideal student then nothing can stop him from achieving success in life. Ideal students will certainly lead to a successful future of the Nation.

Answered by BrainlyUser2782


An ideal student is one who is fully conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He paves the way for the younger generations. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. A nation can progress if the students have high ideals before them. A student who scores high marks, is not necessarily an ideal student. He may set a new record in the school but can prove to be a total failure in his real life. An ideal student should be an embodiment of simple living and high thinking. He is fearless and bold enough to face the trials and tribulations of life.

An ideal student lives in accordance with the rules of conduct and discipline. This is the time of life when the foundation of character is laid. It has aptly been said that if wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; and if character is lost everything is lost.

A student without any sense of discipline, is like a ship without a rudder. It sails adrift and never reaches the harbour. He must follow the rules of the school and ought to obey the orders of his teachers. He should select his friends intelligently and wisely. He must be fully conscious to ensure that no evil tempts him. He knows very well that a single rotten apple spoils the whole basket.

An ideal student knows that he owes a lot to his parents. He never forgets to look after them when he enters his adult life. He is a servant of humanity. He shares the worries and problems with the members of his family. He takes keen interest in social service. He should be active in finding out solutions to various problems prevalent in the society.

Our country needs such students who have muscles of iron and nerves of steel. They should be able to dive deep into the secrets and mysteries of the universe. They should be determined to do their duty even at the risk of their own lives. Such students alone can help the nation in achieving prosperity and all round development.

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