•ideal tips to represent your speech.
hard work or smart work ..//
# (Beginning of your Speech)
Respected dignities... Teachers... My dear friends..
# Main part of topic(Body).
# Prescribe short introduction about topic
# Explore advantages and disadvantages of topic.
# It's Importance
# (Ending of your Speech) Few general quotes.
give me only correct answer !!
otherwise i will report your answer !!!
dont. take it as a joke i am serious !!✔️✔️

Answered by
Respected dignities... Teachers... My dear friends..
# Main part of topic(Body).
# Prescribe short introduction about topic
# Explore advantages and disadvantages of topic.
# It's Importance
# (Ending of your Speech) Few general quotes.
Prescribe short introduction about topic
# Explore advaPrescribe short introduction about topic
# Explore advantages and disadvantages of topic.
# It's Importance
# (Ending of your Speech) Few general quotes.
Respected dignities... Teachers... My dear friends..
# Main part of topic(Body).
# Prescribe short introduction about topic
# Explore advantages and disadvantages of topic.
# It's Importance
# (Ending of your Speech) Few general quotes.
SPEECH ntages and disadvantages of to
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