English, asked by grpavankumar08, 6 hours ago


2. Think that you are a part of Monaco administration as a minister. Explore the
different ways in which the criminal could have been dealt with and offer your
suggestions to the kinglet. Write your suggestions in the form of an article.


Answered by anshmishradps09



Comprehension II

1. Though gambling is a dirty business, why does the king of Monaco resort to it?


‘You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labour’. In what context is this statement made?

Ans: This is from the story “Too Dear” written by Count Leo Tolstoy who is a master of realistic fiction and widely considered one of the world’s greatest novelists. This story is a parody of one of the modern systems of governance. The king of Monaco ruled a tiny kingdom with a small population of about seven thousand. In that kingdom he was a real kinglet. He had a palace, courtiers, ministers, a bishop, generals and an army to take care of. However, he had very limited sources of income: a tax on tobacco, wine, spirits and a poll-tax. These sources were insufficient. So, he found a new source of special income; a gaming house where people played roulette. This was the only place in the whole of Europe where people would come to play. Whether they would win or lose, the Prince gained by it. It is like, ‘You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labour’. This statement is true with reference to the context the king of Monaco lived in. He knew it very well that gambling is a dirty business. He also understood that by levying taxes on drink and tobacco for revenue was not a good idea. But, he had to resort to it for the survival and sustenance of his kingdom.

2. Why did the king of Monaco keep changing his mind in dealing with the criminal?

Ans: This is from the story “Too Dear” written by Count Leo Tolstoy who is a master of realistic fiction and widely considered one of the world’s greatest novelists. This story is a parody of one of the modern systems of governance. When the criminal was sentenced to death, there was only one hitch in the matter; they had neither a guillotine nor an executioner. The ministers then sought the French Government for assistance. They said that they could arrange for the same with a cost of 16000 francs. Finding the cost more expensive, the Council decided to write a letter to the King of Italy. Though the cost quoted stood at 12000 francs, it still seemed too much. Even the suggestion of asking one of their soldiers to execute the criminal did not yield results. Later, it was decided to alter the death sentence to one of imprisonment for life. The Prince agreed to this. But exactly after a year when he looked over the account, he noticed a new item of expenditure for the keep of the criminal. It came to more than 600 francs a year. So, they dismissed the guard so that the criminal might run away. But this did not happen as he remained inside. When brought before the Prince to explain why he did not run away, he complained that they had spoilt his character by their sentence. Finally, a Council was called and it considered offering him a pension of 600 francs to get rid of him. Thus the matter was settled. This is how the King of Monaco kept changing his mind dealing with the criminal.

3. Why was the criminal reluctant to go out of the prison?

Ans: This is from the story “Too Dear” written by Count Leo Tolstoy who is a master of realistic fiction and widely considered one of the world’s greatest novelists. This story is a parody of one of the modern systems of governance. The criminal was reluctant to go out of the prison because he had nowhere to go. He complained that by their death sentence, they had ruined his character. He was afraid that people would turn their backs on him. Besides, he had lost touch with the way of working. He said he had been treated badly which was not fair. After he was sentenced, he should have been executed. Instead, they changed it to life imprisonment, put a guard on him and then took him away again. He had to fetch his own food. Though he agreed to all these changes without complaining, he was not willing to go away from prison as he thought he would be rejected by society as a normal citizen. He would not earn any respect. So, he declined to go out of the prison.

4. How did the criminal lead his life after his release?

Ans: This is from the story “Too Dear” written by Count Leo Tolstoy who is a master of realistic fiction and widely considered one of the world’s greatest novelists. This story is a parody of one of the modern systems of governance. After the criminal was released, he received one-third of his annuity in advance, and left the King’s territories. He emigrated and settled just across the border where he bought a bit of land, started market-gardening and lived comfortably. He always went at the proper time to draw his pension. After collecting, he would go to the gaming tables and stake two or three francs. Sometimes he would win and at times, he would lose and return home. Thus, he lived happily.

Answered by tushargupta0691


Positive reinforcement is the most powerful, long-lasting, and effective type of reinforcement, according to researchers. If a minister is to instill discipline in his team, he must first be punctual himself. He needs to continue praising those who are punctual and promote a culture in which discipline is valued. This team must understand that punctuality is essential in the workplace. If there is a crime in the area, accountability and punishment should be implemented to teach other criminals as well.

The king of Monaco kept changing his mind about dealing with the criminal because every time he made a decision, he ran into difficulties carrying it out. First, the king accepted the judge's verdict and ordered the criminal's execution, but he later cancelled it and changed the sentence to "imprisonment for life" because his country lacked both a guillotine machine and an executioner. Furthermore, if he had decided to borrow one from the King of Italy, he would have been forced to levy an additional tax of 2 francs per person, which he did not like.


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