French, asked by Ananya1098, 1 year ago

Ideas for how to describe a picture in french. Give an example as well.


Answered by gurpreet8765


C'est exquis, n'est-ce pas? (It's exquisite, is not it?), says l'artiste (l-ar-tee-st, 'the artist'). Yes, it's exquisite. But you don't really know what to say, and just nod in approval. When you received an invitation to go to un vernissage (uhn veh-r-nee-sa-zh, 'the inauguration') of Elise B.'s exposition (ex-po-zee-see-an, 'her exhibition'), you surely did not expect to have to comment her work with her standing right next to you!

You have a quick glance at the various pieces of works hanging up on the walls, which can fall into the following categories:

French Pronunciation Meaning

une oeuvre d'art u-ne ö-vr d-ar a work of art

un tableau uhn ta-blo a painting

peindre puhn-dr to paint

une photographie u-ne fo-to-gra-fee a photograph

photographier fo-to-gra-fee-yay to take a photograph

un dessin uhn deh-suhn a drawing

dessiner deh-see-nay to draw

un croquis uhn kro-kee a sketch

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