Ideas for writing answers in board xm
I hope you are having your CBSE exams. So, for that, English and Social sciences are the main subjects yet to be conducted.
English :
• Trust me, your handwriting can fetch you some marks.
• Try to make it legible as possible.
• Dont write after the margins.
• Always split the letter, story, long answers into separate paragraphs (2-3)
Social science :
• Most important : always write in points /bullets. This can get you good grades. This is my experience. Please try to follow it.
• You need not write everything you know to create an impression. According to the question must be the answer.
• If you got time at the end, try to underline important keys.
Best of luck. Close the mobile and get your work done. There are no shortcuts for success. Even if you didn't do well in gone exams, it's okay, do well in next ;)
use ur hand and brain cordenation
with a plecent mind
with any distraction
think the ans in ur mind before writing