Identify and describe the four managerial functions that can be applied in wal-mart stores inc. in saudi arabia.
You can find Wal-Mart’s name in various businesses. They are into banking, marketing, health care products and into every necessity product that a human would need.
The four managerial functions are: "planning, organizing, staffing and controlling."
Planning: They plan on their belief that every individual should be respected and their planning is based on “diversity and inclusion”. This has helped them to provide jobs for people with disabilities
Organizing: This planning on inclusion has helped them to procure a force which is based on “high-performance”. By opening “President’s Global Council of Women Leaders”, they were able to deal with the issues on diversity in an effective way.
Staffing: They have included this diversity planning the activities for human resources. This consists of Training, “career advancement system” and “compensation scheme setting”. They also have training schemes for the budding managers. This has helped them to handle their global empire efficiently.
Controlling: Wal-Mart practises three controlling mechanism they are, “monitoring of gender disparities, evaluation of managers and evaluation of feedback by employees.” Here, the managers have to have a constant check on the employees and solve their problems for the effective functioning of the management.
Wal-Mart controls even customer behaviour by increasing the price of one commodity and decreasing the price of other, it gives the feeling to the customer that they have saved. In fact, they have not saved but have paid more.