English, asked by premvasanth5613, 1 year ago

identify free and bound morphemes in the following words. logical,infamous.approchable.unfortunate.attached


Answered by writersparadise
A free morpheme is a word that can stand on its own and a bound morpheme is one which does not have any meaning on it own.

So, going by the general assumptions, I am categorizing the words.

1. Logical = Logic (free morpheme) + al (bound morpheme).

2. Infamous = 2 free morphemes - In + fam (fame) + 1 bound morph 'ous'.

3. Approachable = 2 free morphemes - Approach + able.

4. Unfortunate = Un (bound morph) + fortune (free morph) + ate (bound morph).

5. Attached = Attach (free morph) + ed (bound morph)
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