English, asked by lodsk25, 2 months ago

Identify if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, provide an explanation in 1-2 sentences that will correct the statement.

1. Self-reflection is a process in Creative Writing that helps the writer find one's writing style.

2. In the Gibb's Reflective Cycle, results and reflection is much optimized if the action plan is ideal and ambitious.

3. Displacement Activities are those that help the writer achieve and focus on the writing goals.

4. Artistic Theft is essentially plagiarism.

5. The choice of language is only a writing style/ accessory that one can use to show a writer's freedom of expression better.

6. translation, the original meaning is carried from one version to another.

7. It is advised that the writer talks to a mentor or another writers when idea comes to mind a writing

8. Writers are safe from libel if they use metaphors or hyperboles when describing a person.

9. Writers are not punishable e-libel if they did not publish anything electronically.

10. When evaluating experience in the reflective cycle, it is best to focus on the positive points than the negative.

11. Form limits a writer from freely expressing what he/she wants to write.

12. Once you have concluded about what you learned and what you could have done differently, the reflective cycle is complete.

13. In the early ages, form has helped writers, readers, and audience in remembering pieces easier and faster

14. Critics to one's writing must be ignoredposes only.

15. Freedom of expression is scary and dangerous if your language choice is inappropriate​


Answered by jatink497k


Aristotle has called Political Science „The Master Science‟ as it deals with human

beings who is a social being having many dimensions; historical, political,

economical, psychological, sociological etc. Political Science is concerned with the

political aspect of this social man and his interaction with the various dimensions of

his social life, be it economical, social, psychological, sociological, historical etc. One

question which comes to mind, therefore, is it correct to call Political Science „the

master science‟ or is it just one of the social sciences? Until 18th Century

specialization of Political Science didn‟t exist since various aspects of society was

studied under single discipline known as „moral philosophy‟. In the words of Lipset

“Until the 18th Century the moral sciences, as the social sciences were then known,

possessed greater unity than diversity1

”. The beginning of 19th century brought

industrialization and with it came specialization of social sciences as it became

beyond the scope of Political science to study the various aspects of the complicated

social phenomenon under a single discipline. Easton writes, “the purely physical need

for a division of labour helps to account for the distinctions among the social

sciences…the social sciences have grown up as separate disciplines because and only

because of this historical necessity. The actual allocation of subject matter to the

various disciplines is simply a matter of accident…even though distinctions in

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