English, asked by sona456927, 1 month ago

Identify the active and passive sentences in the passage below. Change the voice of the
active sentences into passive and the passive sentences into active.​



Answered by sachin4178


zv Jack and the oil tank do or them it's well pick to go to the hm hm


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Answered by jagathnathan


The noise made by them awakened the sleeping dog. By the cool breeze, he was put to sleep again. The donkey who was standing nearby was surprised by this. The reason was asked by him to the dog for not raising an alarm. The angry dog told the donkey to mind his own business. At the strangers brayed the concerned donkey. The sudden noise made by the donkey chased the strangers away. the master was also woken up by the noise. The unnecessarily braying donkey was seen by him. The angry master bet up his donkey.

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