Identify the adjective in the sentence 1.Uma loves her dog very much
Very much
Here is ur answer.. Hope it will help
Identify the adjective in the sentence:-
Uma loves her dog very much.
Uma loves her dog very much.
Much: Adjective of Quality
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are words that describe a noun.
Kinds of Adjectives:-
• Adjective of Quality: Describes the quality of noun, it's shape, size, colour, state or condition.
Eg:- The box is red in colour.
• Adjective of Quantity: Specify the quantity of a noun being talked about.
Eg:- I have many friends.
• Demonstrative Adjective: Used to point out nouns or pronouns.
Eg:- Those bananas are ripe.
• Interrogative Adjectives: Used to asked questions followed by a noun.
Eg:- What is your name?
• Adjectives of Number: Indicate the number of the noun.
Eg:- Some mangoes on the tree are sour.
• Possessive Adjectives: Indicate ownership or possession and always come before the noun. They answer the question whose.
Eg:- Their children live in the USA.
• Proper Adjectives: Formed from proper nouns.
Eg:- I am an Indian.
• Emphasizing Adjectives: Used to lay stress on a noun.
Eg:- Mind your own business.
Formation of Adjectives:-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Some adjectives are formed from nouns and some from verbs.
Eg:- Anger (Noun) ➲ Angry (Adjective)