History, asked by RiyaPie, 2 months ago

Identify the features that show the importance of spirituality in India culture

please help me​


Answered by Shalini9948s

Religion has historically influenced Indian society on a political cultural and economic level There is a sense of pride associated with the country s rich religious history as the traditions of Hinduism Buddhism Sikhism and Jainism all emerged out of IndiaMoreover while a majority of people in India identify as Hindu 79.8% the medley of religions that exist within the country continually impact contemporary society

In India religion is more publicly visible than it is in most English-speaking Western countries This becomes evident when considering the numerous spaces that are thought to be sacred and holy Examples include ashrams monasteries or congregation sites consisting of large communities of scholars or monastics temples mandir shrines and specific landscapes such as the Ganges river There is a rich religious history visible in architecture and it is not uncommon to find various places of worship such as a Hindu temple Muslim mosque and Christian church all next to each other

The 2011 Indian census indicated that 79.8% of Indians identified as Hindu 14.2% identified as Muslim and 2.3% identified as Christian. A further 1.7% of the population identified as Sikh 0.7% identified as Buddhist and 0.37% identified as Jain Due to the massive population size of India, religious minorities still represent a significant number of people For example although only 0.37% of India may identify with Jainism that still equates to over 4 million people While not all religions in India can be discussed in detail the following provides an overview of the major religions in the country as well as sizable religions that originated in India

Hinduism – the most widely followed religion in India – can be interpreted diversely Pinpointing what constitutes Hinduism is difficult with some suggesting that it is an umbrella term that encompasses various religions and traditions within it Nonetheless Hinduism in all its forms has been particularly influential in Indian society

Hinduism continues to thrive in modern-day IndiabThe religion affects everyday life and social interactions among people through the many Hindu-inspired festivities, artistic works and temples. There is also a continuing revival of the classical ‘epic' narratives of the Ramayana (Rama’s Journey and the Mahabharata (The Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty) through the medium of film and television. The Krishna Lila (The Playful Activities of Krishna) is another popular tale among many villages

It is common to find images of gods and goddesses in public and private spaces at all times of the year The elephant-headed god known as Ganesh is particularly popular due to his believed ability to remove obstacles Natural landscapes are also venerated such as particular trees or rivers The Hindu pantheon of deities extends into the hundreds of thousands due to the localised and regional incarnations of gods and goddesses There are also many festivals celebrated throughout the country dedicated to the many Hindu narratives and deities

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