Identify the following people or places or events:
1. The sepoys of Awadh were infuriated by this event and joined the uprising.
2. This is the place where the first act of rebellion took place.
3. This is what the sepoys crossed to enter Delhi from Meerut.
4. He helped both Nana Sahib and Lakshmibai in their battles.
5. This event in Lucknow was one of the most memorable.
6. He was the actual leader of the rebels in Delhi.
7. These were the people who made the Revolt a popular one.
8. The Mughal dynasty ended with this event.
9. He was an 80-year-old leader in Bihar.
10. This was the place where Bahadur Shah's sons were executed.
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{ people } { places } { event }
1) sepoys adwah uprising
2) rebellion
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give me answers please do
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