English, asked by harikrishna56, 1 month ago

Identify the Main Clause and Subordinate Clause in the following sentences.
1.When she spoke her annoyance was apparent to us all.
2. He said that he was giving me a friendly warning.
3. She was in a frenzy because fifteen people were coming to dinner.
4. I thought that his behaviour was rather forward.
5. Don’t ask his opinion unless you are ready for a frank answer.
6. A fortune teller told her that she would marry a handsome foreigner. 7. The river water passes through a filter before it is piped to homes.
8. We need a man who knows finance.
9. The book is so fascinating that I can’t put it down.
10. If it is raining, we cannot go out now.
11. We are still talking about the fabulous party that you gave.
12. Unless you apologize, we will not take you back.
Q2. Identify the subordinate clause and state it’s type.
1. I wish I was paid at the beginning of the week.
2. We are hoping that Sham will come up with some interesting ideas. 3. He always felt inferior when he was with her.
4. The baby will certainly have green eyes, because both parents have. 5. I went to have a look at the room where I was to talk that afternoon.

6. If a student is ill, they must submit a medical certificate.
7. A spokesperson said that the minister does not intend to resign.
8. When a person gets married they have to start thinking about their responsibilities. 9. I had hardly closed my eyes when I began to imagine the most fantastic shapes. 10. Although my grandmother didn’t have a nice personality, I loved her.


Answered by farzanapatel227


have you gone mad you would have asked 2-3 sentence

here I am answering the same

1.He said main clause

that he was giving me a friendly warning subordinate vlause

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