English, asked by manojkushwaha1144, 1 year ago

Identify the noun and it’s type in the following sentences -

1. The Chinese army adopted cleverness to win the war and occupy India’s territory.

2.Teacher took the students to visit the historical and political buildings of New Delhi like Red fort, Rashtrapati Bhawan, India gate, etc.

Please guys answer....​


Answered by MarshmellowGirl


1. The Chinese army adopted cleverness to win the war and occupy India’s territory.

Chinese : Proper Noun.

Army : Collective Noun.

Cleverness : Abstract Noun.

War : Common Noun.

India : Proper Noun.

Territory: Common Noun.

2. Teacher took the students to visit the historical and political buildings of New Delhi like Red fort, Rashtrapati Bhawan, India gate, etc.

Teacher : Common Noun.

Students : Common Noun.

Historical : Abstract Noun.

Political : Abstract Noun.

☞ Buildings : Common Noun.

New Delhi : Proper Noun.

Red Fort : Proper Noun.

Rashtrapati Bhawan : Proper Noun.

India Gate : Proper Noun.


★ Noun is the name of a person, place or thing.

★ Noun is also referred to as a naming word.

★ There are different types of nouns and some of them are as follows;

  • Common Noun
  • Proper Noun
  • Abstract Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Concrete Noun
  • Count and Mass Nouns
  • Possessive Noun
  • Compound Noun
  • Material Noun
Answered by Jyotishka66


<marquee>✌Chinese-common noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌army-collective noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌cleverness-abstract noun.✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌India-proper noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌territory-common noun.✌</marquee>


<marquee>✌teacher-common noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌students-common noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌buildings-common noun.✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌New Delhi-proper noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌Red Fort-proper noun.✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌Rashtrapati bhawan-proper noun.✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌India gate-proper noun✌</marquee>

<marquee>✌HOPE IT HELPS✌</marquee>

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