Identify the nouns and classify them into Common, Proper, Collective, Abstract and Compound nouns
1. The teacher spoke to the parents.
2. He clutched his head in his hands.
3. The flock of sheep grazed in the field.
4. Their families helped them to prepare for the journey.
5. The children began to regain health.
6. Buddhisagar had a shop in the bazaar where he sold wisdom.
7. My sister thinks that I am good at finding out the truth.
8. We love playing football.
9. Kabir Das taught people the value of devotion and humility.
10. That will be our gift to the school.
11. The doctor told Sue that medicines alone would not help the patient.
12. The gang of robbers looted the bank.
13. He is on the jury.
14. The grasshopper and the ant were friends.
15. The pride of lions crossed the road.
Answered by
- Common noun 2 Compound noun 3 Collective noun 4 Proper noun 5 Common noun 6 Proper noun 7 Abstract noun 8 Abstract noun 9 Proper noun 10 Common noun 11 Compound noun 12 Collective noun 13 Compound noun 14 Compound noun 15 Collective noun
Answered by
1 . teacher - CN , parents - cn
2. head - CN , hands - CN
3. floak of sheep, - collective, field - cn
4. families - CN , journey - cn
5. children - cn , health - abstract
6. budhisagar - p n , bazar - cn, wisdom - abstract
7. sister - cn , truth - abstract
8. football- cn ( sports name are always Common noun)
9. Kabir - pn , devotion and humanity, - abstract
10. gift - cn , school- cn
11. doctor - cn, Sue - pn , medi- cn. patient - cn
12. gang - collective, bank ' cn
13. jury - collective
14. grasshopper and ant - cn
15. pride - collective, road - cn
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