Identify the situation in which the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha can exercise his casting vote.
As the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, the Vice-President presides over the meetings of the House. As the Presiding Officer, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the unchallenged guardian of the prestige and dignity of the House. He is also the principal spokesman of the House and represents the collective voice to the outside world. He ensures that the proceedings of the House are conducted in accordance with the relevant constitutional provisions, rules, practices and conventions and that decorum is maintained in the House. He is the custodian and guardian of the rights and privileges of the House and its members. Due to several pressing and urgent engagements and preoccupations as Vice-President he may not be able to devote full time as Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha, but in practice he presides during the first hour of the sitting of the House which is the Question Hour. This lively and occasionally tumultuous period is one of the high points of the day during each Session where the accountability of Government is most obviously on display. He deftly handles the situation, ensures that Members' rights of asking questions and receiving complete replies is well enforced and gives rulings on privilege matters and other procedural points. Whenever important debates or landmark discussions such as on Constitution Amendment Bills take place, he is invariably in the Chair. He has no vote except when there is a tie (article 100). The Chairman's rulings constitute precedents which are of a binding nature. The Chairman is not bound to give reasons for his decisions. The Chairman's rulings cannot be questioned or criticised and to protest against the ruling of the Chairman is a contempt of the House.