Chemistry, asked by mad1290wes, 9 months ago

Identify The Solute And The Solvent In Iron Fillings In Sulphur


Answered by Anonymous

For example: sodium chloride and iron fillings, salt and sulphur, oil and water ... Then, mass of solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent.

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Answered by AlokTyagi

Chemicals can be separated in many different ways based on their physical and chemical properties. Solubility is the ability of a compound (or solute) to dissolve in a solvent. There are many different solvents (e.g. polar, nonpolar) to use, so the solubility will be based on both the solute and solvent properties. If there are two solutes that have opposite solubility, they can be separated by dissolving one and then filtering the other (insoluble) compound

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