English, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

Identify the tense of the given sentence: “We reached the small, flattened summit almost together.”​


Answered by Manav1235



2. Four meanings have been given with each of the following Sanskrit words;

choose the correct option and write the letter corresponding to the answer

provided :

in the

(8) T1:- A. comb

B. parrot

C. dog D. window

(२) सञ्चिका-A. table

B. collection

C. file

D. bank

(३) वातायनम् - A.gase

B. window C. cyclone

D. gout

(8) feeſhof - A. a scooter B. a bicycle C. a vehicle

D. two wheels

(4) T9:- A. this B. that

C. that man D. that girl

(&) 94 - A. I B. you all C. you D. your

B. a roof

(6) 99:- A. a big umbrella

C. a boy student

D. a girl student

(C) 36H - A. You

B. MyIdentify the tense of the given sentence: “We reached the small, flattened summit almost together.”

C.I D. Your


Answered by dnyaneshwasekar94


They reach the small, flattened summit almost together.

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