Economy, asked by abeerbilalchishti, 7 months ago

Identify two key resource allocation decisions.


Answered by sakshikashyap374


Resource allocation is the distribution of resources – usually financial - among competing groups of people or programs. When we talk about allocation of funds for healthcare, we need to consider three distinct levels of decision-making. ... Level 3: Allocating resources among individual patients.

Answered by sourasghotekar123


  1. Decide which resources are the best-visible-best-fit and assign them.
  2. Join a computerized resource request system
  3. Utilize business analytics in real-time to keep an eye on and optimise resource allocation


Resource allocation, sometimes referred to as resource scheduling, identifies and allots resources to different tasks for a set amount of time. These tasks might be project-related or not, such as BAU, administration, support, or operation.

  1. Decide which resources are the best-visible-best-fit and assign them.
  2. Avert resource under- or over-allocation.
  3. Encourage staff to work on worthwhile initiatives
  4. Join a computerized resource request system
  5. Employee skill sets and responsibilities should be varied.
  6. What-if analysis to meet the demands of a dynamic project
  7. Utilize business analytics in real-time to keep an eye on and optimise resource allocation


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