Identify which of the following is homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous one. also identify the type of constituents in mixture (e.g. gas in gas, gas in liquid, gas in solid etc.) (a)Air (b)Water And Soil (N2+O2) (c) Hydrogen in palladium (d)Aerated Water(CO2+H2O) (e)Chalk In Water (f)Ethyl Alcohol In Water (g)Alloys e.g. brass (h)Dust (e.g. fine sand) in water (i)Sand Iron Fillings (j)Sand+Ammonium Chloride (k)Milk (l) Mercury IN amalagamated Zinc.
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Answer:Suspension Solvent
(i) It has uniform compos ition. It does not have a uniform compos ition.
(ii) No vis ible boundaries of s eparation. Shows vis ible boundaries of separation.
(iii) They cons is t of only one phase. They cons is t of more than one phase.
Example: sugar + water
→ sugar s olution. Example: s ugar + s and
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