Identity And list arguments that would support Or oppose use of ground water in various contexts, such as agriculture,industry etc.
Groundwater is located below the earth surface. Over time water from rain and river migrate through the land and gets stored in the soils.
a. The tremendous usage of it has reduced the groundwater level.
b. The borewells are dug deeper for irrigation and domestic purpose.
c. The groundwater has been majorly used for irrigation purpose and has heavily increased consumption.
d. The excessive use of groundwater has reduced the level of water, and seawater intrusion in coastal areas has also led to the contamination of groundwater.
To prevent further depletion:
a. Digging of bore wells for irrigation purpose has to be stopped and to be used only for drinking.
b. Cultivating sugarcane should be prohibited as it is a water-intensive crop.
c. Trees must be planted in forest land and roadsides.