Geography, asked by TSGarmy, 2 months ago

identity the following farming techniques and explain it​



Answered by rajguru39


Mixed Farming

A system of farming based upon growing a variety of crops and rotating crop fields with animal grazing.

Organic Farming

A farming technique that avoids all synthetic chemical inputs.


Planting different species of crops in alternate rows so that one might benefit the other – for example – by providing shade, attracting bees and other pollinators, fixing nitrogen in the soil, etc.


The process of using organic wastes, such as tables scraps, straw or manure, for use as .

Low or Zero-Tillage

Minimising ploughing and groundbreaking in order to deter erosion.


Maintaining trees on farms – or planting small section of forest on a farm – for commercial purposes and for fruit and firewood.


A holistic system of mixed planting that takes account of the relationship between soil, slope, water supplies, etc., and integrates these into the design of a garden or farm.

Organic Pesticides

Naturally occurring substances can be placed in and around crops to chase away insect pests.

Crop Rotation

A process of growing different crops in a field so that the soil is not exhausted by the nutritional uptake of one set of minerals all the time.


A process of allowing a field to rest by not growing crops in it every few years – sometimes animals might be allowed to graze in these fields to replenish the soil with their manure.

Green Manure

Growing legumes, such as peas, that fix nitrogen into the soil. When the crop is harvested or ploughed back into the soil, the nitrogen remains in the topsoil, available for the next crop.

Plough-down Crops

Crops are ploughed back into the soil and allowed to decompose in order to fertilise the soil. Some, such as peas, can also produce a profitable crop.

Contour Ploughing

Ploughing across (i.e. along the contours) rather than up and down a slope in order to stop soil being washed downslope by rain. Ploughing up and down a slope creates furrows that water can rush down, thereby accelerating soil erosion.

Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Basically it is vague question!

There are so many aspects in farming. Under each aspect there are so many techniques.

Basic farming models:

Crop rotation

Cover crops

Intercrops/multiple crops

Intensive cropping

Crop Rotation: It is one of the oldest and most effective farmer's practice. It is order of the crops growing where succeeding crop belongs to another family of the crops than the previous one. This rotation may be followed 2 or 3 years and repeated. THis helps to dec

There are different types of farming and there is lot of Philosophy attached to it

Organic farming - One can go for organic farming without using synthetic chemicals. In organic farming you can use natural minerals like zinc sulphate ,copper sulphate ,magnesium sulphate apart from compost/farm yard manure as per NPOP guidelines in india .You can find information on APEDA’s website.

Residue free farming - The purpose of residue free farming is export to mostly developed nations like European union. One has to follow there MRL(Maximum residue levels) of pesticides .

Hydroponics - There are several techniques like NFT,DWC,Using grow bags,Aeroponics,Aquaponics. Hydroponics uses water and Nutrient solution made using water soluble fertilisers. Aquaponics uses water from fishery as fertilizer or mineral source for plants. Some of the photos as below

Pic 1. Zuchhini Hydroponics

Pic 2 Tomatoes in Growbags

Pic 3 - Kale Using grow bags in hydroponics

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