English, asked by dipayandhali2004, 5 months ago

Identity which of the following statements are true and which are false give a supporting statement for each of your answer: a) Fairy tales are rich in imagination ( )​


Answered by anshumanrock2019


always what ever necessary

Answered by yashkm111204



1. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word

and the correction in your notebooks as given below against the correct blank numbers. Remember to underline

the word that you have supplied.

1.For most than four exhausting years, the Polish-bom

2.Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, work in a

3.large dilapidated wood shed near their Paris

4.lodgings. It was here - on the September night

5. in 1902 which they finally discovered the radioactive

6.element that they named 'radium' for the Latin

7. word radius, meaning a 'ray. Radium providing the first

as to be hidden by it.

'the recording machinery was kept behind screens'

synonyms: at the back of, at the rear of, beyond, on the other side of, on the far side of, on the further side of, in back of, after, following, to the rear of, in the wake of, close on, hard on the heels of, on the trail of

following or further back than (another member of a moving group).

'we were stuck behind a slow-moving tractor'

in support of or giving guidance to (someone else).

'whatever you decide to do, I'll be behind you'

synonyms: supporting, backing, for, on the side of, in agreement with, financing

after the departure or death of (someone).

'he left behind him a manuscript which was subsequently published'

less advanced than (someone or something) in achievement or development.

'the government admitted it is ten years behind the West in PC technology'

synonyms: less advanced than, slower than, weaker than, inferior to, later than, late in relation to, after

having a lower score than (another competitor).

'Woosnam moved to ten under par, five shots behind Fred Couples'


at or to the far side of something.

'Campbell grabbed him from behind'

in a particular place after leaving or after others have moved on.

'don't leave me behind'

synonyms: afterwards, remaining after departure

further back than other members of a moving group.

'Ben led the way, with Joe a short distance behind'

synonyms: after, afterwards, at the back, in the rear, in the wake, at the end, at six o'clock

(in a contest or match) having a score lower than that of the opposing team.

'England were still 382 runs behind'

late in accomplishing a task.

'I'm getting behind with my work'

synonyms: running late, late, behind schedule, behindhand, delayed, not on time, behind time


a person's buttocks.

'she slid inelegantly down a few steps on her behind'

a kick that sends the ball over a behind line, or a touch that sends it between the inner posts, scoring one point.


ok buddy

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