English, asked by sonaliaagrkar, 4 months ago

Idifference between human and OOIS.
tabular mom and give a suitable tittle
Read the following passage cibout the
Put the information about them in a
Nowadays robots are made or dressed
to look like real humans, so it becomes
difficult to differentiate between them
but there
are many characteristics that
make humans different than robots.
A robot is a mechine, on the con tacy
humans are Organic individuals. We
use it pronoun for robot Whereas for
human he or she is used. A robot is
almost always automatic but bumans.
need aid of external variable A robot is.
electrically powered, human need
food to sustain Robot can be easily
me palted, to be reased but when human
body dies, it will no longer come back to
Humans have bighiy developed bycin
cuith creativity, innovahon and emohon
Robors lack own creativity and emohons
Humans are highly social being
have their communities e families, tobots
don't have any community or family.in
Spite of these differences humans and
00015 are complementary to each other​


Answered by singhrandhir150578


Idifference between human and OOIS.

tabular mom and give a suitable tittle

Read the following passage cibout the

Put the information about them in a

Nowadays robots are made or dressed

to look like real humans, so it becomes

difficult to differentiate between them

but there

are many characteristics that

make humans different than robots.

A robot is a mechine, on the con tacy

humans are Organic individuals. We

use it pronoun for robot Whereas for

human he or she is used. A robot is

almost always automatic but bumans.

need aid of external variable A robot is.


electrically powered, human need

food to sustain Robot can be easily

me palted, to be reased but when human

body dies, it will no longer come back to

Humans have bighiy developed bycin

cuith creativity, innovahon and emohon

Robors lack own creativity and emohons

Humans are highly social being


have their communities e families, tobots

don't have any community or family.in

Spite of these differences humans and

00015 are complementary to each other

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