English, asked by tasneemthegirl, 7 months ago

Idioms on 'money
Money-spinner run for your money, be in the money, come into
money, bring money in, easy money, fool and his money are soon
parted, get money's worth, money to burn, hush money, money
does not grow on trees, takes money to make money, money
burns a hole in pocket, money is no object, money is the root of
all evil, money talks, for love or money, not for all the money,
pin money, pots of money, pour money down the drain, put your
money where your mouth is, spend money like water, throw
good money after bad, time is money, money is power, it's all
about money

if you know the meanings of this idioms please let me know


Answered by siddhantgawai686


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